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Tim Hortons

3400 32 Street, Vernon , British Columbia V1T 5N1


Food Restaurant Bakery Cafe

3400 32 Street,
Vernon, British Columbia
V1T 5N1

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+1 604-545-2145

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☆ ☆
(2.67 / 5) based on 3 reviews

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  • ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Horrible coffee
    By Jeff CD, December 29, 2016
  • ☆ ☆
    It's an esso station with an "on the run" Tim's
    By Ben Nicholson, November 14, 2016
  • Not bad
    By Mandeep Mann, October 14, 2016
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About Tim Hortons in Vernon

Tim Hortons is a food, restaurant, bakery and cafe in Vernon, British Columbia. Tim Hortons is located at 3400 32 Street.

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